Usefull macros for the LPEX editor in VACPP 3.0 or 4.0

Last Update: 07.03.2000
This macro searches for an include file. if it is found it includes this file
with a standard #include statement. You don't have to enter the extension
(.H or .HPP) because the macro tries to find it.
If you set the variable UseIfndefEndifSequence to an other value than 0
the macro opens the include file and tries to find an #ifndef sequence. If it is
found it will generate an #ifndef #include #endif sequence for you.
An include file named MyIncl.HPP contains the following text:
#ifndef __MYINCL_HPP__
#define __MYINCL_HPP__

class MyClass : public foo


When invoked with the parameter myincl, AddIncl.LX adds the following code
to your source text:
#ifndef __MYINCL_HPP__
 #include <myincl.hpp>

If no parameter is given, AddIncl.LX opens a window and ask the user to enter
a file name

This macro is invoked automatically when saving a C/CPP/H/HPP file. It calls
the macro SETDATE.LX (Se documentation there).
You'll have to set the given parameter to your own needs !!!

Searches backwards from the current point to the next reachable function. Then
it tries to find out the class name for that function.
If not found, the user must enter a class name.
Then it asks the user for a return type and the function name.
An empty function with a small comment (CommeSma.LX is used !!!) will be
If the previous function is:
void MyClass::MyFunc1()

and the user enters MyClass &MyFunc2
then the macro creates
--------------------------- MyFunc2 --------------------------------------------
void MyClass::MyFunc2()

for you.

The user will have to enter a comment. Then three lines will be created like
/* MyComment                                                                  */

Same as CommeBig.LX, but it creates one line like this:
//--------------------------------- my comment ---------------------------------

Creates an empty class sceleton. The user will be asked for the class name and
the base class name. If he enters MyClass and BaseClass the macro creates
/* Class MyClass                                                              */
class MyClass : public BaseClass
 typedef BaseClass Inherited;

Searches for a matching bracket and positions the cursor on it.

Creates new source code files. If the user enters only a base name, two files
will be created. One with .CPP and one with .HPP.
The files contains a header and the .HPP or .H file contains a #ifndef #define

This macro will be executed on editor startup. It contains customizations

Same as C.LXS, but for RC-files

Searches for a given string in the current file. If it was found, a date string
will be placed directly after the found string. The existing string will be

Only useable for VACPP3.0. It is usefull to split the parameter into two lines

Truncates the current line if it has more than 80 chars

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